With Every Mile

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The art of travel, mountains, and recovery in Peru

This year I had the opportunity to lead two different groups on guided trips in Peru. As one has come to a close and a new begins today, I am overwhelmed with excitement and fear that I may not display as much jubilee with our second group than our first but then I think; my love for this country, it’s people, animals and mouth watering foods will always fill my mind, body and soul with the greatest happiness. Any fear I had quickly diminishes and I know that no matter how many trips I lead, the excitement will be as if it were my very first. Although I’ve been on quite a few adventures since my last post, I have been lacking the inspiration to write about any of them. Alas! The inspiration has arrived, for now, so I must seize this opportunity despite my lack of computer. So I apologize for any errors on my part. 

We’ve had the opportunity to explore the archaeological sight in Olleytaytambo, Maray, and the Salt mines. As we drive to these locations with the mountains surrounding the country dirt road, windows down, wind swept hair, I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation. Gratitude for the opportunity to be here; this beautiful place, at this very moment and appreciation for the mind blowing beauty nature has gifted my eyes and my memory. I can’t help but stretch my sore muscles and continue to smile. My face has been abused from all the smiling and laughing these last few weeks, but by no means am I complaining. 

I awoke this morning to snowy mountain peaks, an inversion of clouds, bird songs and the mighty noise of mosquito’s flapping their tiny wings. As I lather up my my legs with bug repellent I think of all the times I’ve said I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see a certain someone, or snuggle a certain puppy, but as I lather up the greasy goodness, I decide to remove those “I can’t wait” words from my vocabulary. I’m in Peru, I’m surrounded by 17,000+ft mountains, the most generously kind people, the most delicious vegan croissants and you know what!? I can wait. I can wait for my life back home, for the responsibilities and yikes- for the traffic, because right now, I’m enjoying this moment and I’d like to savor it a bit more before I depart. 

As soon as we started the second group, already days have passed and we will be arriving to our last camp sight tonight. Can we stay here a bit longer? The moments on the trail; pushing boundaries, stepping outside comfort levels, itching for more knowledge of our surroundings(or just itching mosquito bites), this group has shown nothing but excitement and grit toward such a new and wild experience. Sitting passenger along their ride in this quest, some first experience outside of the Country, I am proud and thankful to witness it all.  Lets not forget to mention the soup songs. I’ve never realized how many songs you could create about soup, you’re love for soup, and how much soup can be eaten- which in my case is a lot, really of everything.

Now, as a month has flown by and I’m sitting in my living room reflecting on the weeks I spent with these two amazing groups, I find myself saying- ALAS! I can’t wait. I can’t wait to travel back to Peru. OH the croissants! Currently wiping the drool off my face. Practicing patience and learning to love the given moment, something I learned during my travels. Until that time comes, I have more countries to visit, more mountain peaks to bag, snuggles to be had, love to spread, random dogs to pet and at some point money to make.

Life is a constant adventure, one I am thankful to be given.

Interested in visiting Peru? Drop me a line or come hang out in September and book a trip!

If you’re interested in more information, I wrote a detailed blog about my trip last year HERE. Glad I learned my lesson and was free of any sort of food poising this year- WINNING.

Till next time ya’ll,

Peace, love and all the happiness<3

Did you hear about the girl that got head butted in Peru by a Llama? Well, almost at least…